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Sullair Hosts School Supply Drives in Chicago, Michigan City

By Stephanie Roberts - Released on August 14, 2019
Sullair hosts school supply drives benefiting Operation Backpack and Unity Foundation of La Porte County

Sullair recently held school supply drives in both its Chicago and Michigan City offices. The Chicago Community Action Committee partnered with Operation Backpack to donate new school supplies to Chicago-area children in need – children in foster care and children of veterans suffering from housing instability. All children are enrolled in Chicago Public Schools. Sullair Chicago employees come together and made the event a success, donating nearly 350 school supplies! Operation Backpack accepted the donation and was pleased with the amount of school supplies donated.

The Michigan City Community Action Committee led a simultaneous school supply drive benefiting La Porte County school children. Sullair Michigan City employees donated more than $725 to purchase school supplies. This resulted in more than 1,000 new school supplies for La Porte County teachers and children in need. The Unity Foundation of La Porte County and all of the teachers were grateful for the donations.

Sullair maintains Chicago and Michigan City-based Community Action Committees who meet regularly to develop opportunities for our organization and employees to volunteer, donate, give back and otherwise connect with colleagues to help enhance our communities.

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