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Sullair Announces Multimillion-Dollar Equipment Investment in Michigan City Facility

By Sullair - Released on May 17, 2016
Sullair campus in Michigan City, Indiana

Sullair, an industry leader in innovative compressed air solutions since 1965, today announced it is making a multimillion-dollar investment to purchase seven state-of-the-art machines for use in its rotor shop located in Michigan City, Indiana. The enhanced machinery will increase efficiency and safety on the factory floor, replacing 30- to 40-year-old equipment. “This is further evidence of our commitment to the Michigan City community and our strategic investment in the tools and equipment needed to continue to remain a leader in compressed air and rotary screw technology,” said Sullair President Scott Nelson.

Sullair has long concentrated on its rotors, dubbed the “secret sauce” of its air compressors. Since the company’s founding, Sullair has designed and manufactured its rotors and air end assemblies in Michigan City. The company has been recognized as an innovator and leader in rotary screw design, and this most recent investment will allow Sullair to continue to deliver durable and innovative solutions. The new machinery, expected to begin arriving mid-2016 and continue into early 2017, will increase efficiency and productivity in every step of the rotor process while improving quality and enhancing safety for machine operators.

“This is an exciting time for Sullair,” said Ray Lewis, Machine Shop Senior Supervisor at Sullair. “Not only are we upgrading 30- to 40-year-old equipment with state-of-the-art machinery, but the overall workflow at Sullair will be streamlined and safety will increase.”

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