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Quality Control: Ghostfish Brewing and Sullair Explain the Importance of Oil Free Compressed Air

By Stephanie Roberts - Released on November 29, 2021
Ghostfish Brewing Company relies on Sullair oil free compressed air

Sullair and one is its customers, Ghostfish Brewing Co., are featured in Craft Brewing Business, a leading news source for the crafting brewing industry. Brian Thiel, cofounder of Ghostfish Brewing, and Amy Offord, area sales manager of Southeast US at Sullair, discuss the importance of oil free compressed air in the production of beer. Ghostfish Brewing relies on a Sullair SRL 16.5 oil free scroll compressor to help run its canning processes, such as affixing can tops, blowing water off the top of the cans and applying plastic carriers.

The full article, “Quality Control: Ghostfish Brewing and Sullair explain the importance of oil-free compressed air,” can be read here.

Craft Brewing Business is an award-winning website and newsletter helping craft breweries succeed in today’s ultra-competitive marketplace that has 9,000+ breweries operating in America.

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