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Calculating the Water Costs of Water-Cooled Air Compressors

By Stephanie Roberts - Released on August 17, 2020
Sullair S-energy rotary screw air compressor is one option with air-cooled or water-cooled options

Manhar Grewal, R&D Product Manager at Sullair, recently had an article published in Compressed Air Best Practices titled "Calculating the Water Costs of Water-Cooled Air Compressors."

The article focuses on the opportunity to reduce the water consumption of compressed air systems. It also helps energy managers understand how much cooling water is required for the inventory of air compressors in their factories along with the related costs. An evaluation can then be made, of the different types of cooling systems, to ascertain water and cost reduction strategies.

Compressed Air Best Practices is a leading industry publication helping energy managers create industrial energy savings by providing educational content about compressed air systems.

Click here to read the full article.

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