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Brew Fest and Pie Your Boss Event Raises $5,055 for Hey U.G.L.Y.

By Stephanie Roberts - Released on April 2, 2019
Sullair Pie Your Boss Event Raised $5,055 for Hey U.G.L.Y.

Sullair, an industry leader in innovative compressed air solutions since 1965, hosted its 2nd Annual Zorn Brew Fest and Charity “Pie Your Boss” Event, raising $5,055 for Hey U.G.L.Y. – Unique Gifted Lovable You. Hey U.G.L.Y. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving the lives of youth who are suicidal due to bullying.

“Both Sullair and Hitachi are very supportive of this annual fundraiser,” said Jessica Bailey, Director of Human Resources for Sullair. “Sullair is dedicated to giving back to the community, and we strongly believe in the mission of Hey U.G.L.Y., who seeks to prevent bullying within schools. We’re happy to take pies in the face to help make that happen.”

In exchange for a minimum $5.00 donation, Sullair employees were given an opportunity to throw a whip cream pie in the face of a participating company executive. Hitachi Executive Vice President Masakazu “Mike” Aoki participated in the event, as well as eight executives from Sullair: Jack Carlson, President and CEO; Charlie Takeuchi, Executive Vice President and COO; Mike Guido, CFO; Friedmar Rumpel, Global Vice President of Program Management and Strategic Sales Growth; Brian Tylisz, Vice President of Commercial and Industrial Sales; Russell Warner, Vice President of Rental & Infrastructure; Jessica Bailey; Director of Human Resources; and Chad McKeever, Director of Operations. 

The $5,055 raised from the event will be donated to Hey U.G.L.Y. to create an app to help students in real time who are being bullied. 

"Thank you to all of the Sullair executives who withstood the barrage of whipped cream pies to help raise funds for us to create an app that will, in real time, help students safely come to the aid of someone being bullied,” said Betty Hoeffner, Co-founder/CEO of Hey U.G.L.Y. “We are grateful Sullair is aligned with our mission of saving the lives of youth who are suicidal due to bullying. Bullying is a serious public health issue that is a leading cause in school shootings, suicide, substance abuse, self-harm, mental health issues, eating disorders, low grades, truancy and school dropout." 

Hey U.G.L.Y., founded in Chicago in 2002, is dedicated to empowering youth to be who they are instead of having to act how they think they need to be to fit in. The organization empowers youth to be part of the solution of bullying, substance abuse and suicide through self-esteem and empathy-building web content, peer-to-peer learning programs, curriculum, school assemblies, the Choose To Change Radio Show and more.

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