AWF®, which stands for All Weather Fluid, is one of the only fluids in the industry formulated specifically for use in portable air compressors.
Longer fluid life—Under normal conditions, AWF® has a change interval of 1500 hours as compared to 300 – 500 for competitive products.
Multiviscosity—As All Weather Fluid indicates, AWF® will operate in extreme cold as well as extreme hot conditions.
Oxidation resistant—Highly resistant to varnishing when operated for long periods of time in hot conditions.
Water separation—With a superior tolerance for water, AWF® allows easy separation during the day to day operation in humid climates.
5 year warranty—The Sullair compressors will have a 5-year warranty as long as it continues to operate with AWF® and the fluid is changed annually.
Don’t be fooled by the numerous low cost look alike fluids available in the market today. While many companies claim they provide a “same as” fluid at a lower cost, it simply isn’t the case. Sullair fluids are highly engineered to provide optimum performance and energy conservation and the “same as” fluids just don’t match up.
Models vary by region. Please contact your Sullair sales representative for more details.