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Breaking Down the Infrastructure Bill: What it Means and How to Prepare Your Fleet

By Bradley Whitfield - Released on March 23, 2022
Rental companies should be preparing for the influx of work created by the IIJA.

The recent passage of the once-in-a-generation $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), has prompted a lot of speculation as to the impact and reach the program will have on the construction industry as a whole. Much of the work identified in the 2,700+ page bill will depend greatly on construction personnel and industry-related machinery and tools, but how does this translate into business for equipment rental companies and contractors, and how should your business best prepare for the work ahead? The answer is not simple, especially in the midst of a supply chain crisis, but there are a few steps and points to consider in order to prepare for the incoming opportunities. Read the article to learn more.

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